2003 Festival


Artistic Director
Robyn Archer AO

Dance & Physical Theatre

"­_" Tony Yap, Yumi Umiumare (Australia)

acrobat (Australia)

Australian Dance Theatre (Australia)
The Age of Unbeauty
Choreographed by Garry Stewart

Australian Tango Festival & Workshop Classes (Multinational)

Bal Moderne (Belgium/Australia)

BalletLab, Dance House (Australia)
Choreographed by Philip Adams

Centre Choréographique National de Franche-Comté à Belfort (France)
trios boléros
by Odile Duboc

Cesc Gelabert (Spain/Germany)
Im (Goldenen) Schnitt I: In the (Golden) Section I
Cesc Gelabert Dances a Solo by Gerhard Bohner (1936-92)

Chunky Move (Australia)
Tense Dave
Choreographed and directed by Lucy Guerin, Michael Kantor, Gideon Obarzanek

Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan (Taiwan)
Cursive II
Choreographed by Lin Hwai-min

Dance Works (Australia)
Choreographed by Sandra Parker

dumb type (Japan)

Kage Physical Theatre (Australia)
Nowhere Man

Kubilaï Khan Investigations
Tanin No Kao: The Face of a Stranger

Lucy Guerin (Australia)
Plasticine Park

Playbox Theatre Company (Australia)
Inside 03 - The Technology Project:
Sprung by Catherine Barry/The Collapsible Man by Gerald Van Dyck/Mr Phase by Christopher Brown

Raimund Hoghe (Germany)
Another Dream

Ros Warby (Australia)
SWIFT re-frame

Salia nï Seydou (West Africa)
Weeleni: The Call

Slightly Moving Productions (Australia)
The Boys

Stalker Theatre Company (Australia)

The Istanbul Music & Sema Group with Kâni Karaca (Turkey)
The Whirling Dervishes

Troubleyn/Jan Fabre (Belgium)
I Am Blood: Je Suis Sang, A Medieval Fairytale

Film & Multimedia

Body on Screen (Multinational)
Fed Square Flicks/Urban Moves: Body in Situ, Disappearing Body/Moving Shorts: Body & Image, Body & Sound/Body of Work: Australia, Belgium, France, UK, USA, Africa/Special Screenings: Leni Riefenstahl's Olympia/Maya Deren Shorts
Curated by Erin Brannigan

Luna Pictures (Australia)
Dances of Ecstasy
by Michelle Mahrer and Nicole Ma

Generation Films
Joy Ride


Anna Goldsworthy (Australia)
Mysterious Alchemy - Chopin & Dance

Aphids, David Young, Louisa Bufardeci (Australia)
Skin Quartet

Aphids, Yasutaka Hemmi, Melbourne Budokai (Australia)
Fight With The Violin

Australian Art Orchestra, Sruthi Laya Ensemble (Australia/India)
Into the Fire

Bamboo Symphonia, bambuco (Australia/Japan)
Hibiki & Kuukan - Sound & Space:
The Spirit of Bamboo

Chamber Music Sunset Series (Multinational)

Gabriella Smart (Australia)
Angel's Arc

Harry Sparnaay In Concert (The Netherlands)

Ian Munro (Australia)
The Waltz Book

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (Australia)
Stravinsky Dances
Conducted by Markus Stenz, with Delia Silvan as the Firebird, choreographed by Lucy Guerin

Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra (Greece)

TaikOz (Australia/Japan)

Young@Heart Chrous (USA)
Road to Heaven


State Opera of South Australia, Leigh Warren & Dancers (Australia)
Akhnaten: An Opera In Two Acts
by Philip Glass


Opening Night Celebrations (Australia)
Singin' in the Rain

Dancing in the Streets (Australia)
Fed Square Flicks/Dance Hall/Kids Dancing in the Streets


Compagnia Teatrale Fo-Rame (Italy)
Johan Padan and the Discovery of America
by Dario Fo

Big hART, Leah Purcell (Australia)
Beasty Girl: The Secret Life of Errol Flynn

Marie Brassard (Canada)

Schauspielhaus Vienna (Austria)
The Lost Breath, Der Verlorene Atem
Directed by Barrie Kosky

Ranters Theatre (Australia)
The Wall

Visual Arts

Anna Lucas (Australia)

Bauhausfotografie (Germany)

Elisabeth Bronfen Lecture (Germany)

Ene-Liis Semper, Rodney Buchanan, Douglas Gordon, Smith/Stewart, Susan Silton, Marina Abramovich, John Meade, Ann Hamilton, Margaret Morgan, Harrison/Wood, Mariele Neudecker, Carolyn Ecksdale, Brent Harris (Multinational)

Gary Stephens (UK)
Slow Life

Johann Dieter Wassmann (Australia)
Bleeding Napoleon: The Art of Johann Dieter Wassmann (1841-98)

John Vella (Australia)

Peep Show: A Secret History of the Body (Australia)

Simone Slee (Australia)

Erwin Wurm (Austria)
One Minute Sculptures

Intertextual Bodies (Australia)
Part 4: Act of Refusing to Dance

Special Events

Australian Indigenous Choreographers Project (Australia)

Behind the Scenes: Works in Progress (Australia)
Rachel BergerClenched Buttocks/Cosmonaut/OzOperaSing Your Own Opera/Chamber Made OperaWalkabout

Body Talks Conference (Australia)

Ewa Czajor Memorial Award & Lecture (Australia)

Fusion in Motion: A Public Symposium on Contemporary Dance & Drama in Asia (Multinational)

In Conversation with Robyn Archer (Multinational)

The Stacey Night at the Festival (Australia)

Museum of Modern Oddities (Multinational)
The Blue Thong Club

The Body Works (Australia)
Salute To The Sun/Know Your Own Body

The Famous Spiegeltent (Multinational)

Unspoken Knowledges: A Research Forum on Contemporary Dance & Choreographic Cognition (Australia)

Workshops & Masterclasses (Multinational)