Melbourne Festival presents

Colm Mac Con Iomaire

Music of glorious and aching melancholy and beauty.

Sydney Morning Herald

A classically trained head, a transient folk soul and an indomitable traditional heart… a consistently beautiful and frequently incandescent collection.

Irish Times on And Now the Weather


For Colm Mac Con Iomaire, the sounds of the past are more vital than ever. A devotee to the Irish culture and language, he weaves tunes that hark back to the rich traditions of Gaelic folk, while also planting a foot firmly in the music of the now.

And now joined by a six–piece band, the legendary member of Ireland’s celebrated outfits—The Frames and The Swell Season—makes a welcome return to our shores.

On his latest release And Now The Weather (Agus Anois An Aimsir), Colm Mac Con Iomaire continues building intricate and entrancing tributes to the trad–Irish sound—cinematic evocations of a people, country and music that has bewitched the world for centuries.
